Your shoes may be to blame for your back pain
Do you suffer from back pain? Surprisingly, the shoes you wear may be the cause of your back pain.
Shoes are one of the causes of back pain.
Why shoes? Because shoes become a part of your feet when you walk.
The feet are the only parts of the body that come into contact with the ground and support the entire body. Other animals basically have four legs, so we humans are the only bipedal animals. There are two functions that only humans have: "standing on two legs" and "walking on two legs," and what makes this possible is the arch on the sole of the foot and the calf. Both functions evolved to "improve blood circulation." It is thanks to the arch and calf that blood can circulate to the toes and return to the upper body.
Stylish and gentle shoes
If you look at a dog or a horse's legs, they stand on their toes and have no calves. If you look at the soles of their feet, they have no arches.
There are three centers of gravity in the sole of the foot, so even if weight is placed on the sole, shock is absorbed and dispersed. A well-known example is when the vertical arch on the inside of the foot is not in good condition, or when there is no such arch, it is called flat feet.
The outer longitudinal and transverse arches are raised off the ground and make contact at three points, stabilizing the foot and stabilizing the body. However, more and more people are losing this basic function of the foot. Without arches, the foot becomes easily tired and very unstable.
If the arch is insufficient, the body will sway unsteadily from side to side, which can cause physical problems. A typical example of this is back pain. If the arch of the sole of the foot is in good condition, both skeletal and muscular, back pain is unlikely to occur, but if this basic function of the foot is lacking, support from shoes is required.
Shoes have the power to adjust wobbly feet into stable ones, and what's more, wearing good shoes can also help develop the arch muscles.
Japanese-made sneakers are trending
HeWhoMe shoes are created based on thousands of data points to naturally shape your foot arches, support and improve foot function. HeWhoMe shoes are a revolutionary solution to relieve your back pain.
Check out the HeWhoMe collection now!